Introduction To German Sub-Clauses
Introduction To German Sub-Clauses

Grammar is an irritation as you begin to learn German you know?

It’s true that as you learn more complex German grammar it will allow you to communicate in a more intricate and native-like manner. It’s worth the effort to master even the most complicated aspects of German. 

Subordinates or sub-clauses are an excellent illustration. They can be one of the most difficult parts of German grammar. However, they shouldn’t be difficult to get your mind around.

With this simple explanation, you’ll be able to make complicated sentences in German by using the proper sentence order.

In this article, we’ll teach you basic concepts that will help you grasp German sub-clauses. However, at the end of the day, you’ll feel more confident in the accuracy of your German grammar and be able to communicate with more nuance.

German Classes in Chennai are a good platform If you’re looking to master german infinitive clauses quickly. 

An Introduction To German Sub-Clauses

A sub-clause typically gives us more regarding the primary clause within an expression. It is necessary to have an initial clause (der Hauptsatz) and a subordinate clause (der Nebensatz) to build the compound sentence.

Example: Ich will Deutsch lernen, weil es Spass macht (I want to learn German because it’s fun)

In this case, Ich will Deutsch lernen is the principal clause. Es is Spass can be a subordinate sentence. The word”and” is the subordinating word that is word that connects both clauses.

This is what is known as a compound or complex sentence made up of two sentences. A comma must always separate subordinate clauses from the main clause in German.

As a native English-speaking person, you may be asking yourself how are supposed to interpret the German verb’s position when subordinated clauses are used. At first glance, German verbs seem to move throughout sentences. However, there’s a reason for this madness.

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The verb in the subordinate clause is usually added towards closing the sentence. I’ll guide you through the order of verbs later. First, let’s take a look at subordinate conjunctions that link two clauses together in the form of a sentence.


Here we discussed the common view of sub-clauses in Germany. If you are interested to learn german infinitive clauses, and subordinating conjunctions german, step into FITA Academy for the immense German Classes in Coimbatore with the guidance of a certified language expert.

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